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When sharing information, beliefs, opinions, ideas, thoughts and feelings - be it yours or another’s - do so without devaluing, disrespecting, discriminating against, or discrediting anybody.
Vulgarity, profanity, or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
Never take the advice or information from others at face value. Do your own research, use your discernment, follow your intuition, and if necessary, seek the help of a professional.
No fear mongering! If you don’t know the difference between dispensing unpleasant information and instigating fear, then please contact us for further enlightenment on this subject.
Sharing your thoughts, perspectives, feelings and experiences (positive or negative) are part of what the forums are for. However, they're not the place for giving and receiving therapy sessions. Be sure the situation is appropriate for what you're sharing.
Note: If you’re suffering from depression, anxiety, or feel like your spinning out of control, you should consult your doctor or a mental health practitioner as soon as possible.
Do not enter into a discussion with the intention of changing peoples' minds. When responding to something you disagree with or that doesn't resonate with you, please begin with a statement like “I disagree, and here’s why.” Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. After any respectful debating, wrap things up by saying: “I agree to disagree.” Let’s keep things “light”!
Always respect the privacy of others.
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