How To Host A Group Talk
Always start on time. Participants typically don’t appreciate waiting around.
About Hosting Recurring Group Talks
Topic Boards
You may want to choose somebody to take notes.
Decide if participation will be allowed when somebody shows up late.
Decide how often you're going to meet and for how long. 
Determine how the talks will function (how you’ll take turns at speaking, who chooses the topics for discussion, etc).
Decide whether or not to limit the Grop Talks to the original attendees.
Recurring Group Talks could take place weekly, biweekly or monthly. They can also be scheduled for up to two hours, however, keep in mind that not everybody will be able or willing to commit to that amount of time.
Ongoing, it's the Host's responsibility to also include a brief summary of the topics discussed previously at the beginning of each talk.
When your Group Talk ends, the Sign Up Post becomes a Topic Board where the participants can continue sharing information and resources relevant to the topic, including videos, photos, docs and links. Please let them know about the Topic Board before you wrap things up!
In addition to the guidelines above, during your first recurring talk you'll collaborate with participants to:
Let everybody know they should mute themselves when they’re not involved in the conversation.
Give a brief description of what the talk is about.
Make introductions. Starting with yourself, have every participant introduce themselves, including their name, where they're from, and why they've attended (optional). If you have a lot of participants stick to just stating their names. 
Keep the conversation on track and moderate if necessary, putting an end to any heated debates. (We hope not, but in rare instances you may end up having to ask a participant to leave.)
Make sure that everybody who wants to has a chance to speak. When a participant monopolizes the discussion, you might need to step in to re-involve others. You may also want to establish a rotation based on when they arrived (their names will appear in Attendee List) so everybody has a chance to share without interruption, or pass.
Wrap things up and have everybody vacate the conference line and meeting room. Please thank them for participating, and remind them that they can talk in any CyberCOMmunity Room, or the Cyber Lounge.
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