



Visit the Sector for Higher-Self Exploration onboard C.S.ONE and explore the
Starseeds Society on Deck 6 - Level 1 in the Consciousness Center!
Of all the missing pieces you gather on your quest for consciousness,
the most inspiring is when you discover that YOU Are Not Alone!

Not all Lightworkers are Starseeds, but all Starseeds are Lightworkers! "Starseeds" are beings that originated from other planets, galaxies, star systems, or planes of existence, whose specific missions are to assist Planet Earth and humanity.

Starseeds incarnate into the same conditions and amnesia concerning their identity, origins, and purpose as humans do. Starseeds, however, have genes encoded with a "wake-up call" that "activates" them at a predetermined moment in their life. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt.

All Starseeds are part of the Groundcrew serving on the planet, here at this point in time, in physical form, with a collective mission - to make the shift out of fear-based reality to higher vibrational consciousness.


There are many perspectives and concepts that have been developed and embraced in the attempt to understand the nature of our true identity and purpose. For the most part, the differences are based on the interpretation of the information we've encountered and the source(s) it’s derived from. No matter where a person is on the Path of Awakening, nobody is perfect and nobody has all the answers. What we do all have in common is we need each other, and THAT is what Re-Unification is all about. Starseeds... UNITE!